This short FAQ is brought to you by yesterday’s statement. ⠀
First of all, I asked (actually kinda begged) you to unfollow if you disagreed. Let me be clear: I give negative fucks about the personal attacks on me. But I asked you to quietly leave if you disagreed with my statement demanding actual equality, I begged you not to attack the Black Lives Matter movement in the comments, and to take your bigoted ideology elsewhere. It appears I asked too much of many of you. I will ask less politely: your arguments trying to justify injustice are unwelcome here. LEAVE. UNFOLLOW.⠀
However, since that is again hopeful thinking, begin short Q&A.⠀
Q: “why don’t you just block these racist commenters?”⠀
A: as fucking heartbreaking as these comments and the hundreds of likes they are getting are to see, at this point I have chosen to leave them, as A.) they are evidence of how very widespread this bigoted, ignorant way of thinking is, and B.) a lot of these clearly racist-in-denial commenters are accidentally proving my point for me.⠀
Q: “stay in your lane, slut. Tits, not politics”⠀
Again, I give negative fucks about your personal attacks on me. I’ll even refrain from my usual guilty pleasure of roasting rude comments back. Let me be very clear: THIS IS EVERYBODY’S LANE. I assure you my “career” had NOTHING to gain financially from “bandwagoning” onto this movement and alienating my bigoted followers. Yeah, I should have spoken out sooner. I regret not doing so. But I made my statement as soon as I realized that by remaining silent and “staying in my lane of taking ass selfies” I was essentially aiding in letting these issues continue to be swept under the rug. I made it too late, but my statement was genuine. I stand by every word I said. ⠀
What a cutie 😗 😍 😗
You are a smart broad… interesting then that you should swing and miss by so much. Also sad that instead of trying to listen to another point of view, you instead try to shut it down as “bigoted racicism”. Try to listen just a little bit.
✊🏿✊🏾✊🏽✊🏼✊🏻Well said!!! I know it doesn’t mean much but I’m following you now after I’ve seen this post and the one before it.
I think I speak for the majority, that your comments, do not have a place in this format! Stick to taking pictures!!
Ты огонь!!
U go grl
Your stunning!!!!!
Very beautiful